Help the James Library continue to be a gathering place in the community for art, music, and literature.
Donate online to the James Library through the James Library & Center for the Arts Charitable Trust. The sole purpose of the Trust is to support of the activities of the James Library.
What do we do with your donation?
We pay authors, presenters, and musicians who performs at the James.
We keep our 1920 Steinway in peak condition—tuning the piano immediately prior to each concert.
We offer a variety of jazz, popular, Celtic, classical, bluegrass, and family concerts—right in your own backyard.
We purchase the latest book releases for our lending library, which is free and open to the public.
We showcase emerging and established artists in our updated, professional art gallery.
We care for and maintain our historic building.
We keep the lights on. Your donation helps us pay for the basics like heat, electricity, water, and building upkeep.
We wouldn’t be able to do what we love without our historic home, and without YOUR help! Thank you for your donation.